One source of truth for the MIPs program: general information, materials, missions, announcements, and more.

More details about the program, goals and rewards @

More details about the program, goals and rewards @

Program Details

The Graph | MIPs Phases, Missions & Workshop Schedule

Other resources:

📅  Google Calendar (Subscribe)

🤔 MIPs FAQ (maintained by GraphOps)

How to set a different rewards address when staking w/ a vesting contract

How to move between testnet (Phase 1) and mainnet (Phase 2)

(and how it relates to scoring)

While on testnet, the focus is assessing overall QoS (Quality of Service) when serving queries on “MIPs-subgraphs”:

Chains added to mainnet will initially be considered Beta. While in Beta, participants will be entitled to protocol rewards and MIPs rewards based on the criteria mentioned above. A chain cycle ends once the testing period on the mainnet ends (meaning there’s confidence in the software and overall Indexer supply as well as QoS). Past that stage, participants will still be scored until the end of the program on subgraph coverage (meaning serving other non-MIPs mainnet subgraphs that could be published by other stakeholders).

The first batch of GRT rewards will be unlocked after the score for Gnosis Phase 2 is calculated and added to the public Leaderboard. It’ll consider the score attributed since the beginning of the program (Phase 0 to Gnosis Phase 2). Afterward, for any other chain, the score will be calculated at the end of each Phase, but the GRT distribution will only happen at the end of the program.

MIPs Phases, Missions & Workshop Schedule

The Graph | MIPs Phases, Missions & Workshop Schedule

MIPs-related sessions on Discord: (Weekly Schedule)



10-11:30 am PT Workshop and/or Indexer Office Hours


10-11 am PT Launchpad Office Hours


10-11 am PT Workshop


âś… Upcoming Events and Milestones

The Graph | MIPs Phases, Missions & Workshop Schedule

đź“Ł Announcements

<aside> ℹ️ MIPs announcements are now being shared via e-mail and in our #mips-announcements Discord channel. Joining the Discord channel (here) is highly recommended to get all notifications.
