As of October 2023

The Graph Foundation Code of Conduct

The Graph values its contributors and prioritizes their health and safety.  In furtherance of this objective, The Graph will not tolerate harassing, violent, or other inappropriate behaviors from its employees, contractors, vendors, or consumers.  While it is neither possible nor desirable to identify every possible inappropriate behavior, some examples of misconduct are detailed below.  Employees and contractors are expected to comply with this Code and observe reasonable standards of conduct within this professional setting.  Failure to conduct yourself professionally may result in discipline, up to and including termination of your employment or contract.  This Code is applicable to conduct that occurs in person or virtually, during normal business hours or at work events.

No Harassment

The Graph does not tolerate harassment of its contractors by anyone. This includes supervisors, other or contributors or contractors, or people doing business with The Graph, such as users and/or service providers.  Any form of harassment, including but not limited to verbal, physical, and/or sexual, on the basis of race, religious creed, color, age, sex, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, religion, marital status, disability, military service or veteran status, genetic information or any other classification protected by applicable laws is prohibited. Please also avoid any political discussion.

Violations of this policy will be taken seriously. Complaints will be investigated promptly and thoroughly. Those with merit will result in disciplinary action determined at the company’s discretion, which may include termination.

If you feel you may have been a victim of harassment, or if you have observed harassment of others, you must immediately notify Alex Marsh ([email protected]), Martin Tellechea ([email protected]), or Eva Beylin ([email protected]). Every supervisor who learns of any employee or contractor’s concern about conduct in violation of this policy, whether in a formal complaint or informally, must immediately report the issues as described herein.  Any form of retaliation is prohibited for reporting perceived violations of this policy in good faith, pursuing any such claim, or cooperating in any way in the investigation of such claims in good faith.

Other Inappropriate Conduct

While it is neither possible nor desirable to identify every possible infraction of this Code, employees and contractors must observe reasonable standards of conduct and may be disciplined when they do not.  Some examples of misconduct include failure to comply with any Company policy or practice, dishonesty, theft, violence or threats of violence, or any other form of misconduct.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse

The Graph recognizes that alcohol and drug abuse in the workplace can be a concern. Use, possession, sale, manufacture, purchase, solicitation, transfer of drugs or other illegal substances, or activities related to illegal substances, on or off duty, is cause for discipline as found appropriate by leads. The definition of illegal drugs includes the use of any illegal substance as well as the misuse of abuse of prescribed drugs.

The Graph recognizes that alcohol may be available during certain corporate events.  Employees and contractors are reminded that, if they choose to consume alcohol at such events, their conduct is still subject to this Code and that they should moderate their consumption of alcohol and  excessive intoxication can become cause for discipline as found appropriate by leads.